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Add a custom column on a planner

1 min read

In addition to driving the core settings of the the planner custom metadata also allows you to define the columns that are visible and editable to a user on the project planner. For any field that is associated to a Project Task a custom column can be added to the project planner.


  1. From the Setup menu navigate to Custom Code > Custom Metadata Types.
  2. Next to the Column Configs meta data type click Manage Records.
  3. In the Column Configs custom metadata type click New.

  4. Create the new column configuration by populating the following fields:
    • Information Section
      • Type a Column Config Name
        We recommend using a name that suggests what data the column will hold and white planner configuration the column is assigned to.
      • Enter an Id which is the API Name for the Project Task field where the results will be saved.
      • Select the Planner Config that the column will be visible on.
      • If users should not have the ability to edit the field on the planner check the Read Only checkbox.
      • Select the Type of field.
      • If the field should not be visible when the planner opens check the hide checkbox.
    • Display Section
      • Enter the heading or column name that will be displayed to a user in the Label field.
      • The order of the column is based on the Index that is entered.
        Columns are displayed in numerical order on the project planner in ascending order.
      • If the type of column that is being created enter the iconName and width of the icon.
        See Configuring Advanced Columns for additional details on adding icons to the project planner.
    • If the Type of field is picklist the Picklist Value Set Id and Options must be populated.
      Please see Configuring Advanced Columns.
    • If the Type of field is lookup the Lookup Object API Name and Lookup WHERE Clause must be populated.
      Please see Configuring Advanced Columns.
    • If a task becomes a parent task the Parent Task Summary field defines the value that will be populated for the column.

The value selected for the Parent Task Summary field must be supported or users may receive errors when using the project planner. Please reference the table below for supported field Types based on the value of the Parent Task Summary.


When selecting a Parent Summary Task be aware of how values of subtasks are rolled up to a summary task.

ValueSupported Field Types
MinNumber, Date, Date_Time, PSA-Duration, Percent
SumNumber, Date, Date_Time, PSA-Duration, Percent
MaxNumber, Date, Date_Time, PSA-Duration, Percent
AvgNumber, Date, Date_Time, PSA-Duration, Percent
NoneN/A – the field will be blank on the parent task.
EditableAll type are supported.

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