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Understand Billing and AP Configs

1 min read


There are two objects installed with Arrow that define who will be invoiced and how invoicing will be generated — AP Configs and Billing Configs, respectively. These objects define how the invoice engine is going to run in Arrow for each project, so it is important to consider both CRUD and Page Layouts to ensure security and usability in the system as part of setting up Arrow Invoicing.

During implementation consider who should have the ability to create both AP and Billing Configs in the system. If ever user is able to create Billing Configs, for example, this may result in the organization have multiple standard rate cards. You may also consider turning on Duplicate Rules for AP Configs and enter a standard naming convention for how this data is displayed.

AP Configs define who is being invoiced for the project and is primarily associated to an Account in the system. With the AP Config users are able to define the Account that the AP Config is for, the contact in the system that will receive invoices, the PO Number that will be printed on invoices, and an alternative email address that invoices will also be sent to. The records are typically setup by Account, and each AP Config can be leveraged on one or more projects.

Billing Configs define how invoices are generated for the project and are stand alone records in Arrow. An organization may have a standard set of Billing Configs defined the entire company (i.e. Standard Rate Card), or it may have individual Billing Configs (i.e. custom contracted rates by project) that are defined by project — or, your organization may use a mix of both cases.

  • The Billing Config defines the standard rate for a project, the level of detail that should be displayed on the invoice, and how the rate that is applied to the invoice line items is determined.
  • Each Billing Config can have multiple Billing Rates by task, role or resource that are deviations to the project rate identified in the Billing Config.
  • Each Billing Rate can have costs that are deviations from the costs assigned to resource.
  • If a Billing Config is setup to bill by a standard task, role or resource rate the system will default to the project rate if a specific Billing Rate has not been assigned to the task, role, or resource, respectively, that is being invoiced.

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