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Making updates outside of planner

1 min read

Primarily, users will make most of their updates to Project Tasks within the planner. However, there are some cases where users will modify Project Tasks outside of the planner in flows or automations. In this case, leverage the following fields for automatically calculating the WBS Number and Schedule.

  • By Default, these fields are hidden and only users with the Arrow Administrator permission set have access to them. A System Administrator will have to add these fields to the Page Layout and provide field-level security to any users that do not have the Arrow Administrator permission set.

Automatically Calculate Project Task WBS Number

Available from Version 2.108

When inserting a new task, you have the option to automatically assign it the next available WBS Number.

  • Ensure that the appropriate parent task gets assigned prior to inserting if applicable.
  • Check the “Calculate WBS Number” field.

The task will be placed at the bottom of the current WBS branch.

Automatically Calculate Project Task Schedule

Available from Version 2.133

When inserting or updating a project task, you can check the field called “Calculate Schedule” to automatically calculate the schedule for a project task based on the following fields: Start, Finish, and Duration.

  • The schedule will use the Business Hours specified in Salesforce to determine active working hours.
  • During an insert, you must specify two of the fields mentioned earlier.
  • During an update, you may change up to 2 of the fields mentioned earlier.
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