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Configuring advanced columns in the planner

2 min read

Some field types require more complex configurations in order to add a column in the planner. For these fields follow the considerations and steps below to ensure that your fields are successfully added. If you need any help definitely reach out to [email protected]!


Arrow PSA supports the addition of columns that display to the user as a picklist value. The results of the selection of the picklist can be saved in a variety of Salesforce field types based on the values that are bing selected.

Considerations when defining a picklist:

  • The resulting value that is selected by the user will always be saved in the id field on the Column Configuration.
  • The picklist values that are displayed to the user can be defined by the associated field (id field), a manually defined set of values or from another picklist field in the.
  • Queries in the system are limited to 1000 results. For best performance only use fields and values that are less than 50 entries.
  • Results are always saved to the field in the id field on the column configuration.

When creating picklist fields/columns on the project planner be aware of the field that the results are being saved to. If the field is a picklist a user will receive errors if the saved value does not match the available options in the picklist. Other limitations may also cause errors for users (i.e. character limits, field types, etc.), so be sure to review the data that could be saved versus the field and field type where the results are being saved.

Picklist Value Set IdOptionsDescription
NULLNULLThe system will default to the picklist values defined in the Salesforce picklist field from the project task that is associated to the column configuration. The result that is saved will be saved to the id field for the custom column config.

Values are identified from the field in the id field on the column configuration.
“MANUAL”(name|value, name|value)The system will display a picklist on the project planner that displays the list of name variables in the order entered on the list. Upon save the system will save the value variable entered immediately following the name.

Values are identified from the list in the Options field on the column configuration.
meta:FIELDNAMEAPI Field NameThe system will display the values of the field idenfitied by the API Name in the options field.

Values are identified from the list of picklist values defined by the project task field identified in the Options field on the column configuration.

Example: meta:project_stage__c
“query: select id, name from object”NULLThe system will display the record values that are returned from a query and display the options in a picklist on the project planner.

Values are identified from the results of the query entered in the Picklist Value Set Id and the id of the results that are returned are saved to the id field of the column configuration.

Example: query:select id, name from Account
Record TypeRecord Type IDThe system will display the picklist values defined in the Salesforce picklist field identified in the id of the custom column config for the record type that is identifeid. The System will allow the user to select the Record Type for this project task. To use this option, set the ID property of this column config to RecordTypeId

Values are identified from the picklist options configured for the record type ID identified in the Options field for the project task field in the id field on the column configuration.

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