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Automatic Recalculation of Tasks

1 min read

Available from Version 2.133

Arrow PSA provides automated background processes using platform events to enhance your experience.

How to Use

To utilize this feature, create a Platform Event named Recalculate Event (apollo__Recalculate_Event__e) and define the following fields:

  • ID – The Record Id of the object requiring recalculation.
  • Type – The type of recalculation desired. Supported types are listed below and must be entered case-sensitive.
  • Field Api Name – The API Name of the field you would like to roll up on the Project Task. This only applies to the Task Field Rollup event type.

Create a separate event for each recalculation needed.

Supported Events

  • Task Forecast
    • Recalculates forecasted time entries for specified project tasks.
  • Task Schedule
    • Adjusts the task schedule based on the specified task’s dependencies.
    • For instance, to update a task’s schedule and modify the project schedule accordingly, first update the task’s start/finish/duration. Then, using a flow or another method, generate a platform event by following the instructions above.
    • If you update a task’s schedule and set Calculate Schedule to true, then no further action will be necessary as a trigger will automatically run a recalculation of the task’s dependencies.
  • Time Entry Service
    • Recalculates the billable amount for the specified time entry.
  • Task Field Rollup
    • Rolls up all of the project summary tasks for a project for a given field.
    • This support Number, Date, Datetime, and Picklist types. Summary types which are set on the Column Config metadata record include Sum, Average, Max, Min, and Picklist.
    • For the Id field, pass in the Id of the Project record.

If you have a need to automate a recalculation that is not currently supported, then please reach out to us to implement it.

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