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Add your company logo, address and core invoice settings

1 min read


  1. From the Setup menu navigate to Custom Code > Static Resources.
  2. Click New.

The company logo that you upload for invoices and other Arrow documents should have a maximum width of 350px. Any larger size images may become distorted on documents that are produced by the system.

  1. Create a new static resource with your companies logo.
    • Enter the Name for your company’s logo.
    • Enter a short description to described the static resource.
    • Click File and upload your company logo.
    • Select Public for Cache Control

  2. Click Save.


  1. From the Setup menu navigate to Custome Code > Custom Metadata Types.
  2. Click Manage Records next to Company Setting for Arrow PSA.
  3. Click Edit next to the default Company Setting.
  4. Under invoice settings update the invoice configuration for your entire organization.
    • Select Invoice Approved Time Only if
    • Select Invoice Approved Expenses if
    • Selecte Invoice Missed Expenses if
    • Enter the Name of the company logo that was uploaded as a static resource above as the Logo Resource Name.
    • In the Company Return Address field enter your organization’s return address with div tags around the address.

      <div>Street 1</div>
      <div>Street 2</div>
      <div>City, State Zip</div>
    • In the Invoice Footer field enter a message that will be printed in the center of the footer of your invoice.

  5. Click Save.

Supporting Salesforce Docs
Static Resources

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